Microsoft Flight Simulator Linux DXVK Wine – how to play this game on Linux.
From light planes to wide-body jets, fly highly detailed and accurate aircraft in the next generation of Microsoft Flight Simulator. Test your piloting skills against the challenges of night flying, real-time atmospheric simulation and live weather in a dynamic and living world. Create your flight plan to anywhere on the planet. Microsoft Flight Simulator includes 20 highly detailed planes with unique flight models and 30 hand-crafted airports.
Microsoft Flight Simulator Linux DXVK Wine – how to play this game on Linux.
Microsoft Flight Simulator is a Asobo Studio game that is not originally available ob Linux. There was some problems with running this game on Linux but they have been resolved in a few days. Do you want to learn how to play Microsoft Flight Simulator on Linux? Read on!
As the patches needed has landed in Wine-Staging code, they have been upstreamed with the latest official version. Now all you need is only Wine-Staging 5.17 and DXVK.
If you wonder how to setup DXVK, you can follow this easy DXVK installation tutorial.
You shoud pass -FastLaunch flag to skip introduction videos which requires some unimplemented mfplat code.
You can also use ESync for an additional FPS boost.
And that’s all! Now you can play Microsoft Flight Simulator on Linux!!!
Wіnе vеrѕіоn uѕеd іn thе vіdео: Wіnе-Staging 5.17 wіth ЕЅуnс еnаblеd.
DХVК vеrѕіоn: 1.7.1
Lіnk tо thе оffісіаl DХVК рrојесt ѕіtе – hеrе.
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Източник: software.kaminata.net